Town wide email notifications will now come from  Please be sure to save this email address to your contacts.



Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees meetings start at 6:30 pm and are scheduled for the first and third Thursdays of most months except December (the December meeting is held on the second Thursday). 

Meetings will be hybrid unless otherwise communicated.  There will be an in-person meeting at the Fire Station, or you may join remotely using the invitation below.

All meetings, except executive sessions, are open to the public. Occasional special meetings are held as needed. The Board relies upon the input of residents for many of the decisions they make. Public comment is encouraged and should be limited to 4 minutes per speaker.

Packets from older meetings and transcripts of minutes from 1995 to the present may be requested from the Town Clerk.


Microsoft Teams Need help?

Meeting ID: 272 801 106 404

Passcode: au9yx2mM

Dial in by phone

+1 469-998-7710,,822011618# United States, Dallas

Phone conference ID: 822 011 618#