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Town of Foxfield


Stay Informed

There will be a virtual meeting of the Board of Trustees Staff Vacancy Committee on July 10 at 2 PM to discuss candidates for the Town Clerk/Treasurer position.  Join the Teams meeting at the link below.
We've all dealt with solicitation, and while there are many legitimate businesses that may solicit, the reality is that most are unwanted.  Summertime brings out a variety of solicitors, and they have been active in Foxfield, so we wanted to share a few tips.  
The number of dead pine trees is very high this year.  With the combination of damage from hailstorms, and the lack of wintertime watering, many trees are weak and vulnerable to pine beetle infestation.  

Important Dates

Friday, August 9, 2024, 8am
Saturday, August 10, 2024, 8am
Saturday, September 14, 2024, 7am
Please have items curbside by 7 am.

The next Board of Trustees Regular meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2024, at 6:30 pm. This is a hybrid meeting, in-person at the Fire Station and virtual.  

Meeting Material and details

None scheduled at this time.




The Board of Trustees of the Town of Foxfield hereby gives notice that a public hearing shall be held at the South Metro Fire Protection District Station #42, 7320 South Parker Road, Foxfield, Colorado, at 6:30 p.m. on April 5, 2024, concerning adoption of the amended 2024 Town of Foxfield Master Plan.


The Town of Foxfield Master Plan is posted on the Town website at Copies are available for public inspection by contacting the Town Clerk at 303-680-1544 or




Community Information

Centennial Airport offers an online tracking system for the movement of flights and air traffic patterns in the Denver Metro area.   This information simplifies the process of filing a noise complaint at the following web addresses:

Centennial Airport

DIA Noise and Operations

Or call:

Noise Hotline:  303-790-4709


Click the links below to navigate to the appropriate page on the website:

Suspicious Activity 

Animal Control