The Town of Foxfield does NOT require contractor licensing.
All building projects, builders and contractors are required to comply with the Uniform Building Code in addition to specific requirements and design standards as adopted in the Town of Foxfield Zoning Regulations. Town of Foxfield building regulations differ from those of Arapahoe County and should be reviewed prior to starting a project. Building permits are issued by SAFEbuilt Inc.
In addition to satisfying zoning requirements, all accessory structures with a footprint greater than 120 square feet in area (barns, garages, sheds, etc) must incorporate specific design requirements as stated in the Town of Foxfield Zoning Regulations. Architectural rendering, elevation drawings, and site plans for all proposed accessory structures must be submitted to the Town for review and approval prior to applying for a building permit.
There are new Electrician License Contemporaneous Review Guidelines required by the State of Colorado. If your project requires electrical work, make sure you read these guidelines posted below.
Building permits are issued by SAFEbuilt, Inc. If you have technical questions regarding building permits, contact the Town Clerk or Tom Pitchford, the Building Official, at Tom Pitchford at 303-941-4429
New Streamlined Application Process (Live 4/28/2023):
Applicants may now submit an online application, track permit status, request inspections and download issued permits and approved plans, through the Community Connect. Register here to get started.
Learn more about Community Connect
Need to add Foxfield to a previously created account? Send a request to
Helpful Documents
Electrician License Review Guidelines
Residential Reroofing Requirements
Additional questions may be directed to:
Tom Pitchford at 303-941-4429
Monica Torres, Town Clerk
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 461450
Foxfield, CO 80046