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Overlot Grading Permits

May be required when changing the contour of the surface of a property. This includes grading associated with building permits, placement of fill material, cutting or reshaping a slope, berms, landscaping or revising the area and/or point of discharge of surface drainage to adjacent property.

An Overlot Grading Permit is required if any one of the following conditions occurs:

  1. The area of grading is greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet;
  2. More than 100 cubic yards of fill material is imported or placed from on site cut;
  3. The proposed grading increases or changes the historical flow of surface water to adjacent lots or the Town rights-of-way; or
  4. The disturbed area is within 75 feet of an existing drainage way, floodplain, or wetlands as determined by the Town Engineer.

Overlot Grading Permits, Right-of-Way Use Permits and related inspections are processed by the Town Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson. The Town has specific requirements for grading, erosion and sedimentation control (GESC), driveway standards and any work in the Town Right-of-Way (ROW).

The permit is issued by the Town Engineer.


Grading Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements

Overlot Grading Permit Application

Submit all permit applications to:
Kathleen Schmitz, Town Clerk

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 461450
Foxfield, CO 80046