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Land Use and Master Plan

In Foxfield, land use is guided by the Master Plan and governed by zoning regulations in the Municipal Code.

Master Plan

The Town of Foxfield adopted its current Master Plan in 1998, following the Town's incorporation in 1994. The Plan was amended in 2004 and 2008. It is a long-range guiding document that establishes a vision for the Foxfield community, and identifies tools and policies to achieve that vision. It is also used by Town staff and elected and appointed officials to evaluate whether new projects align with the community's values and goals. Click the link below to view the Master Plan.

The Foxfield Master Plan includes both written and graphic components. The written component outlines goals and policies organized into the following categories:

  • Community Character
  • Land Use
  • Undeveloped Land
  • Roads and Transportation
  • Open Space, Trails and Parks
  • Community Facilities and Services
  • Environment
  • Intergovernmental Relations
  • Economic Base

The graphic component of the Master Plan is the Town's Future Land Use Map, which was last amended in 2008. This depicts future desired land uses, including residential, commercial, institutional and open space uses.

Background and Implementation:
A major goal of the 1998 Plan was to identify future land uses for the Town that would protect the largely rural residential character, while promoting possible commercial development in key areas, with emphasis on the Town's northwest corner at Arapahoe Road and Parker Road. In 2001 the Town approved a re-zoning of this area, the Foxfield Village Center, which currently is the only land zoned for commercial use in the Town.

In 2008 the Town Board of Trustees approved an amendment to the Master Plan and Future Land Use Map to pave the way for future commercial development along Parker Road all the way to the Town's southern boundary. This area is a mix of vacant and single-family properties, which are currently zoned Large Lot Rural Residential (RR). Through the Town's rezoning process, however, they could be changed to allow for new high-quality commercial and innovative redevelopment. This would increase sales tax revenue for the Town and could provide a buffer from the noise and activity of South Parker Road for many of Foxfield's single-family homes.

2014 Town of Foxfield Trail Plan
The Town of Foxfield was awarded a planning grant from Arapahoe County Open Space in 2013 to prepare a comprehensive Trail Plan. The process was a collaborative effort between Town residents, the Town Board, Town staff and a Trail Advisory Group. The end result, the 2014 Town of Foxfield Trail Plan, was adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 6, 2014. It is a guideline for future trail planning and construction.


2024 Adopted Amendment to Master Plan
Land Use Application
Current Zoning Map
Colorado Bicycling Map — Colorado Department of Transportation (